hey hey! sorry sudah lama tak update.. ive been busy.
busy doing... things.
especially sleeping.
and classes.
but nowadays i usually sleep whenever i have free time.
i dont go online that often anymore. maybe once in a fortnight.
shhheeeshh i have no idea who when where how what sucked my interest & the joy of being online, and i think lately ive been a very2 dull, boring person who just dont get interested in things around her.& i can feel that this blogpost's gonna be boring sumhow(hence the title), like ive lost interest in talking/writing bullshit. WEIRD. (i still do have interest in boys tho haha)
one thing i know im interested in now is Edward Cullen!! (to those ppl who dont read twilight, maybe u shud just shift to another blog now)
ANDDDDDDDDDDDD guess what, i just got back from Dataran Pahlawan's GSC with twilight tix intan shydee & i bought 2 days in advance hahaha! omg we're sooooo semangat!

hopefully the movie is as good as the novel. *fingers crossed*
but edward cullen in the movie is not as goodlooking as i'd imagined.. i think Ed Westwick(chuck bass in GG) shud play the part, he's damn sexy. Just look at him!!

ok. i guess thats the end of my post today. ok bye!
dont tell me ive not warned you earlier that this post's gonna be boring!!
OHYA. to those people(like me) who watch GG and gets depressed looking at Blair Waldorf's never-out-of-place hair,body that curves at appropriate places, whose fashion sense that is definitely the quintessential upper-east-side stereotype, well, i have something to show you,

she used to be less beautiful, just like how we less beautiful average ppl look now! therefore, dont be depressed k! (yes yes im talking to myself!)
TIP OF THE DAY : to look as flawless as she does,

JUST HIRE A MAKEUP ARTIST & A STYLIST, duhh! (dont forget to be bulimic too! :P )
for more tips, go to http://www.collegefashion.net/fashion-tips/how-to-dress-like-blair-waldorf/
& now, old pics of handsome hunks of GG,

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