Sunday, October 12, 2008


Kerana asyik syiok menikmati juadah yang percuma lagi melazatkan disetiap rumah terbuka sehingga perut juga semakin buncit,lupa pula saya untuk mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada rakan-rakan saya yang muslim dan juga bukan muslim.

Tetapi, hari ini sudah 12 oktober, iaitu hari raya ke-12.
Saya sudah terlambat selama 12 hari untuk wish kamu semua.

Namun begitu, Syawal kan sebulan, maka saya disini ingin mengucapkan,

Hari Raya

Maaf zahir & batin!

p/s:gambar diatas, sayalah yang kepala senget & pipi seakan-akan diserang penyakit beguk(Mumps) itu. posing maut tahun ini lah katakan. haha.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

yellow cars.

today i saw quite a number of jaundiced yellow coloured cars on the road.

4 satrias
4 kelisas
1 naza car
1 mini cooper
1 unidentified car

total = 11!

who stumble upon a number of yellow cars on the road in a day?
i bet you dont!
BUT, today i saw 11, in an hour's time!

talking bout yellow cars, it reminds me of a novel i read one or two years back, which tells a story of how a mentally challenged kid sees and reacts to the world around him,& one of his special ways of interpreting things that revolve around him is if he were to see a particular number of yellow(or is it red??) cars along the way to school,that day would be sumsort of a good day. & yeah, i did have a good day today! :D

whatever it is, in my opinion,it was a good read. worth it i would say.

it is called 'The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time.' by Mark Haddon.
Mind you,he has won numerous awards for this bestselling novel!

The Lovereading comment on the novel:
It is a dead dog that sets off the chain reaction that leads Christopher Boone to find out the truth about his mother’s disappearance. But this is no usual detective story. Christopher has Asperger's Syndrome: he can recall numbers, will feel safe for a day when he sees three or four or five red cars in a row and he finds emotions near-impossible to unravel. But a dead dog presents the need to understand some complex emotions especially as it also propels Christopher into looking more carefully into his own family and their relationships. Mark Haddon's telling of Christopher's unpredictable response to them is original, kind, disturbing and profoundly moving.

Hafiza's comment on the novel : it's a must read! apa lagi,pergilah MPH dan beli!

Friday, October 10, 2008


harlow rakan2!!

Sorry for not updating my blog sooner, been enjoying my hols earlier, and now im too busy having classes that by the time i get back to my hostel room sleeping is the most logical thing to do(after dinner that is hehe)

ok, now lets update you with a few random facts bout me:
im getting irritated with my everyday-getting-frizzier hair
im 90% positive that ive gained too much weight over the holidays
i noticed that my left thigh is bigger(& heavier) because when i wear pants, the left one feels tighter than the opposite thigh.
i celebrated my first eid in malaysia in 4 years time! was superb!
im no longer in india, in malacca already, just started the second phase of the course :)
altho i have hundreds of friends in friendster, but only a small portion of them are my close friends. others are like.. friend friend je. u know?
my language & communication skills are getting worse day by day.
i fear cockroaches
oh. i think the fact that my hostel room comes with an individual aircond and no fan contributes to the process of making my hair frizzier
im IT illiterate.
i kind of miss my honda scooter back in india :(

ok ok enuff facts bout me!
i wanna show you someting i saw in the staff's toilet of the hospital im posted at

thats the coolest and most colourful (err watchu call it? showerhead? showertab? ahhh, lets call it kepala shower la!)
kepala shower ive ever met!