yes yes people.. the 5th (& the MOST BORING) posting is done. yes yes no more psychiatry!! anddddddddddddddd only a posting to go and im done with the first out of 2 stages of the course. i repeat, A POSTING to go!! One MORE! 3 weeks of surgery posting, 3 days of exams and im done. sayonara india, eh i mean.. namaskara?
i cant wait to leave this place, because right this very moment, im very irritated with manipal's object of annoyance which can drive a person into insanity :
♣ the frequent blackouts
♣ the cows in the middle of the roads
♣ the never-ending car honking at every freaking junction
♣ the aromatic cow dunks
♣ the lobang2 road
♣ the phenomenal oil price(its around rm6 per liter!!!)
♣ the expensive credit (imagine this: if i topup rs150, i only get rs133, that is WITHOUT validity.if your validity expires soon, u HAVE to buy validity, which costs you more. WTF*??)
despite of all my bitching and complaining about manipal, im sure i will miss this place.. the place which turned me into a better person.
nah, here's a sneak peek of how manipal looks like:

YES.this IS the town.

ohya.... speaking of manipal, supremo ball was held last saturday, & as u all know, i didnt make any dress for the ball, and this is what i ended up wearing to the 'red carpet' themed supremo ball 2008 :

manipal has also turned me into a camwhore and becoming poyo-er every single day!
newsflash : i just realized something: when i set foot in malaysia this end of august, i'll be HALF-A-DOCTOR by then. *gasp*
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