hello people!! (if anyone's reading that is)
hmm...ive never ever blogged in my life before, therefore please do pardon mua if reading this is just wasting your precious time. ya ya, time is gold huh?? so hmm.. i think i'll start off this blog with the events that happened today..
1)ive removed my braces!!! (altho this occurred few days back) and soooo i look less a nerd now thank god haha. ;B
2) i woke up yesterday only to realise i have this ugly,disgusting,fluid filled vesicles at the left mucocutaneous junction of my lips..and sooooo today, after it became a tad bit worse, i went to see a doctor at the Skin and STD(what im having has nothing to do with STDs ok!) department at the kasturba hospital here in manipal...andddd as ive expected, i have herpes labialis.
herpes infection.

3) im supposed to be preparing for my presentation tomorrow..but im soo fu*kg lazy. damn. is there any presciption to treat procastinations?? perhaps i should start a research on the treatment, and who knows, i might be the first malaysian ever to receive a nobel prize? maybe yes??
maybe NOT.
4) it rained today!! altho for only 10 minutes, but who cares?? after how many weeks manipal has been having too much of a sunlight, and at last rain came to save the day!! hopefully the rumput rampai will be greener tomorrow, the cows'll eat more tomorrow, get fatter, get sembelih healthily soon, and voila, here comes hafiza ordering beef sandwich at seif's palace :) <-that's the nearest place i can find beef here, im in india remember??
5) oh oh. it's wahida's bfday tomorrow andddd i forgot to buy calling card. damn it. she's turning 21 tomorrow!!! welcome to the club sayang, mwahhsss. aries chicks are cool. and fun. and funky. and funny. and gorgeous. and everything sweet. im talking bout you wahida, anddd me of course hahaha. perasan dowh!! :P ala.... skali skala perasan, apa salahnya??
6) i spilled some veg juice on my bed, n now it looks as if i pee-d in bed. ewww.
7) hmmmmm i think i better stop this now and start preparing for the presentation *sigh* thanks for reading btw! *wink wink*
toddles then..
i bca okeyh your blog.
and thanks for the wish.
forget calling card, we have blogspot now.
love ya!
ur blog reminded of jjay's fren in cincapow... remember the one i toldchu about where he went to this gay boutique and kept on saying.. "by the way. i'm not gay ahh"... ingat sik?? haha.... "by the way, it's not genital herpes ahhhh"
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