i just had the community medicine end posting exam today.
it was.. not good.
i would not say it was bad.. but it aint good either.. sort of.. intermediate? haha.
the 1st Q: effect of environment on health. ok la.
2nd Q: tertiary prevention of disease. i know this!
3rd Q: the WHO day theme 2008.what was the theme again? sh*t.
4th Q: pattern of disease chan ges in India. fuh,luckily baca smlm.
5th Q: re-emergence of disease. topic ni masok exm?? darn.
6th Q: double burden in cont ext of msia. boleh tahan la.
i was disappointed with myself i went straight home n all of a sudden i had the strong urge to kemas my messy room. been posponing it for weeks. kemas kemas kemas... n now, my rooms clean yeay!!! (ada hikmah rupanya didnt do good in exam tadi hehe)
apapun....... pokoknya.... one posting down, five more to go YEAY!! pastu balik msia mkn everything ive been missing since studying here in india..jd kilang lemak la nanti nampaknya, but ish, asal perut kenyang, minda gembira, senang hati... thats all i need.n of course,surrounded by my loved ones :)
CANT WAIT weeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
xoxo, u know you love me. *wink*
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
end posting no. 1
Posted by hafiza. at 3:15 PM 3 comments
Sunday, April 20, 2008
harimau betina.
today's a sunday.
the only day i dont have to wake up early and rush for class.
and yet, today i woke up wayyyyy earlier than the days i have class.
and so, i feel angry. not angry as such, but disappointed.
yesterday i downloaded live messenger. but to install it, i have to have IE 3.1 or later. and so,i downloaded la 3.1 IE or whatever it was. and fell asleep.
as usual.
bukak2 mata trus nampak laptop. and the IE, havent finished downloading. the lappy must've dc-ed when i was asleep.
as usual.
and so i downloaded again. and installed it when it's done.
fuh. step one is done. (it's all because i want the s'pore pics from my sister. i asked her to upload it into my facebook, tp xnak dgr. nak jugak share folders.)
and so i was happy la..just for a sec. coz when i click on to install the windows live messenger tu, now they say i need this thingy to install the WL messenger. and i dont have this thingy.
1st they ask to update the IE, now i need this thingy.
kenapa lah susah sgt nak pakai WL messenger ni?? mcm la best sgt. *sigh*
and so i d/l-ed the thingy which i forgot what it is..
step two is done. fuh.
after the thingy dh ada in my lappy, at last the WL messenger can be installed. fuh!
yada yada yada..n voila, now i have the messenger.
so i logged in. n click on the share folders. and to my suprise, this msg box came popping on the screen,
"your computer doesnt support folder sharing"
NOW im angry.
i emailed my dad last week for the pics as well. nope, no new mails in my inbox.
i saw my brother online yesterday. nope, he never replies.
i sms-ed my sister just now, marah her for not uploaded the pics in my facebook in the first place. and yes, she also never replies.
hmm. dont they even care bout me here in india??
i need some attention for gods sake.
i need to know they care bout me.
n im not getting any.
do they call me? NO. its me who calls them: my parents my sis my brothers.
do they sms me? RARELY.
i know i shouldnt complaint, but i cant help it.
i just feel sad.
i need to cry.
i am crying.
n now i feel like a loser, for nothing.
and now im pissed. VERY2.
you better get away from me.
coz im about to throw something. dont come near me, i might throw you across the room.
if your weight is 1kg, that is haha.
in a nutshell,i cant handle my anger.
cant handle my emotions.
coz im harimau betina.
Posted by hafiza. at 11:38 AM 3 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
an introduction.
hello people!! (if anyone's reading that is)
hmm...ive never ever blogged in my life before, therefore please do pardon mua if reading this is just wasting your precious time. ya ya, time is gold huh?? so hmm.. i think i'll start off this blog with the events that happened today..
1)ive removed my braces!!! (altho this occurred few days back) and soooo i look less a nerd now thank god haha. ;B
2) i woke up yesterday only to realise i have this ugly,disgusting,fluid filled vesicles at the left mucocutaneous junction of my lips..and sooooo today, after it became a tad bit worse, i went to see a doctor at the Skin and STD(what im having has nothing to do with STDs ok!) department at the kasturba hospital here in manipal...andddd as ive expected, i have herpes labialis.
herpes infection.

3) im supposed to be preparing for my presentation tomorrow..but im soo fu*kg lazy. damn. is there any presciption to treat procastinations?? perhaps i should start a research on the treatment, and who knows, i might be the first malaysian ever to receive a nobel prize? maybe yes??
maybe NOT.
4) it rained today!! altho for only 10 minutes, but who cares?? after how many weeks manipal has been having too much of a sunlight, and at last rain came to save the day!! hopefully the rumput rampai will be greener tomorrow, the cows'll eat more tomorrow, get fatter, get sembelih healthily soon, and voila, here comes hafiza ordering beef sandwich at seif's palace :) <-that's the nearest place i can find beef here, im in india remember??
5) oh oh. it's wahida's bfday tomorrow andddd i forgot to buy calling card. damn it. she's turning 21 tomorrow!!! welcome to the club sayang, mwahhsss. aries chicks are cool. and fun. and funky. and funny. and gorgeous. and everything sweet. im talking bout you wahida, anddd me of course hahaha. perasan dowh!! :P ala.... skali skala perasan, apa salahnya??
6) i spilled some veg juice on my bed, n now it looks as if i pee-d in bed. ewww.
7) hmmmmm i think i better stop this now and start preparing for the presentation *sigh* thanks for reading btw! *wink wink*
toddles then..
Posted by hafiza. at 11:09 PM 2 comments
Labels: my day.