Ketika itu, ini, Ashley, reindeer saya.

ok ok kidding.
i just wanna wish y'all a
Happy New Year!
eventho i dont celebr8 xmas, but it's a reason to go back to kuching yeay!
Oh i L♥VE festive season!!!!!!
Posted by hafiza. at 12:15 PM 0 comments
She was beautiful.... i swear! james blunt parody
The Lyrics :
This is freakin' brilliant—whoops! I started way, way, way too early. What? No. Just keep going? Yeah, it's fine. Cheers.
This is freakin' brilliant.
The embarrassment I endure
I thought I saw an angel
I was completely sure
She smiled at me on the subway
Turned out she was a man
I didn't know until I tried to sleep with her
After 8 black and tans
But she was beautiful, She was beautiful
She was beautiful, I swear
When I saw her face, it was in a crowded place
And I didn't see the bump right here
I shouldn't've drank so much beer.
Yeah, she had one lazy eye
But I couldn't tell in that light.
You should have seen the look on my face
When we got home that night.
And I said, "What the----oh my! Can we turn off the lights?"
But she just took off her clothes and my lust turned to fright.
But she was beautiful, She was beautiful
She was beautiful, I swear
When I saw her face, it was in a crowded place
And I didn't see the bulge right here.
Why did I drink so much beer?
No no no no no,
No no no no no no,
No no no no no no!
But she was beautiful, I promise she was beautiful
You gotta believe me she was beautiful, I swear.
I bet a flock of angels had smiles on their faces
As they watched me almost hook up with her—him—her—him—oh, gosh.
But it's time to face the truth
I got drunk and made out with a dude.
Posted by hafiza. at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Here I am,
all alone in Melaka for a long weekend.
today, 1st saturday of the month : no class.
Raya haji's soon : monday holiday.
Therefore, long boring weekend.
& here I am, stuck in melaka, in my 'sky high' priced hostel room.
Why alone u may ask?
My whole family's in Aussie for the hols,
I cant afford to skip 4 days of lecture classes and postings to tag along,
therefore here i am, alone.
My close friends went back to their respective kampungs yesterday after class,
huhu alone somemore.
beloved boyfriend is onboard a flight to jakarta this very moment,
huhu alone evenmore.
How i wish i have a car for me to waste money on petrol in exchange of a good time.
Genie in a bottle where are you?
Yesterday i did go out for dinner and movie with fellow "Male lone rangers for the weekend".
And today i went out with my ex housemate for lunch and tea.
And i bought a dress that i look cute in.
I guess my weekend's not THAT boring after all.
but still, i want a car.
i NEED a car.
Donate some money into my "Honda Civic Piggybank" please?
Thanks for your generosity.
I'll make sure i'll give u a ride in my civic that i'll get in hundred years time.
maybe i should just go study.
But just the thought of studying can make me sleepy in a fraction of a second.
*triple sigh*
I think im the LAZIEST medic student in history.
The classic presentation of medic students are supposed to be having no social life, studying till wee hours of the night,become a zombie even when the exam is still quite far away, and thick textbooks are their bestfriends isnt it?
but i'm TOTALLY opposite :
-i have quite a good social life,
-studying once in a week to me is like..a big achievement,
-i become a zombie only when i dont eat (this is a RARE phenomena)
-& in fact, my bed is my new bestfriend now.
what is wrong with me??
Posted by hafiza. at 9:07 PM 1 comments